Thursday, March 5, 2020

Top 5 Best Job Search Apps for College Grads

Top 5 Best Job Search Apps for College Grads Image via Pixabay I will admit, however, it can be a bit of a pain. Between piecing together the perfect resume to figuring out how to phrase an appropriate cover letter, you may question whether you are approaching the job expedition in the proper, most beneficial way. I feel like when I read an article about searching for a job or landing the job of my dreams, I want to read it from a person that I can relate to, not someone who effortlessly got from A to Z right after they graduated because they had  this  connection and knew  this  person and  blah  blah  blah. When I take the time to read someone’s article, especially as a college student and millennial, I want the satisfaction of knowing that I am not the only one struggling to figure out what I want to do, or what field I’d like to explore, or how I go about getting the job of my dreams. My feelings may be exclusive to me, but I think that for us students and millennials, it sometimes is hard to be motivated venture out into the job market because the expectations and standards are so high and the competition is so fiercely strong. If you are a soon-to-be-graduating college student looking for internships or a recent graduate immersing yourself into the job world and you are reading my article, I promise you that I understand your position and I am in the same situation that you are. You are not alone. What I can promise you before this sounds too discouraging and saddening, is that the key to getting the job you want is through persistence and determination. You have to stay hopeful through it all because you genuinely never know what opportunity may come your way.   Though sometimes the process may prove to be overwhelming, it is important to remind yourself to be diligent throughout. If you can relate to me and my position and are interested in figuring out your dream job or where to find it, keep on reading to see the top five job search apps out there! Image via Pixabay Post-Grad Struggle Being a recent college graduate is one of the most exciting yet terrifying occurrences because while you are finally out of school and have an accomplished degree, you feel the immediate pressures of securing a job and paying off student loans right away. Recent graduates don’t exactly have it easy, according to  Jeffrey J. Selingo  in his book titled There Is Life After College, “There are no longer career paths that were historically there when parents came out of college, technology and the recession have affected vast swaths of the work world.” Specific factors in the economy and advances in technology have significantly affected the kind of jobs post-grad students find after graduating, which makes it difficult to start a life of their own, according to  Jessica Dickler  of CNBC. Dickler states, “sluggish wage growth and sky-high rents in many urban centers have made it unaffordable for some recent graduates to move out on their own. Even as hiring picks up, wages for new college grads have not budged.” While rent and home affordability are increasing and wages are stagnant, the rate of student loan debt is steadily increasing, as  Dickler  notes, “[student loan bills] which are at an all-time high, [are] putting a severe strain on most recent graduates financial circumstances. Seven in 10 seniors graduate with debt,  owing about $29,000 per borrower.” In a post-graduate world where rent is high, wages are steady and debt is climbing, moving back in with your parents sounds like a golden ticket.  Richard Fry, a senior researcher of economics and education at the Pew Research center notes, “A variety of factors may influence young adults’ decisions to live at home, including their success in the labor market, the cost of living independently, and their debt obligations.” Image via Pixabay Reading from these authors may seem like we students have a dreary world to look forward to after graduation, however, there are plenty of opportunities to look forward to. For instance, students who just graduated in the year 2017 entered the strongest entry-level job market in years, specifically in industries dealing with an aging workforce and retiring baby boomers, according to Brain Weed of USA Today College. The job market is hot and more employers are looking for college graduates who are passionate and ready to work- the only task is discovering these employers and searching for a job that will fit you and compliment your credentials. As technology continues to advance, the way to apply for jobs has steadily moved to the internet, and people are picking up on this trend faster than we can imagine. Currently, there are countless job searching sites and applications, but how do I know which ones will work the best for me? How do I decide which one to begin with? Should I just use one or use multiple ones? These are probably questions you’ve asked yourself, and I can honestly say I have asked myself the same questions- and continue to! Worry not, I will provide a detailed guide of the most popular job search apps/sites to help narrow down your choices and calm some of your worries. Image by Alicia Geigel via Top Job Search Apps/Sites 1. Glassdoor: Currently, Glassdoor is one of my favorite apps I use to fuel my job search. When you open the app, it is super clean and easy to navigate. At the top of the app, there is a search bar where you can search a job position, company, ideal salaries, and even reviews by previous or current employees. Upon searching for jobs, if you come across one that you like, you can save it and come back to it later if you want to apply. Additionally, on Glassdoor you can upload a resume to your account so you can apply for positions right on your phone! One of my favorite elements about Glassdoor is the ability to read reviews from people who have worked for the company you are considering and see what the wages, work atmosphere, employer/employees, etc. are like! 2.  Indeed: Another one of my favorite job search apps is Indeed. Though many of these job searching apps are similar, there are certain elements that set each apart from the other. Indeed, like Glassdoor, has a large search bar at the top of the page that allows you to search for a job by position, keyword or keywords, or company and where the job is by either city, state or zip code. One of my favorite elements about Indeed is how personalized you can make your account- you can upload a resume, include a page summary, your desired job title, type and salary, years of experience, etc. This personalization helps employers connect better with you which gives you a better chance of being hired. Additionally, you can upload your resume directly to your account, making the application process easier! According to Indeed, the app has “200 million unique visitors a month and is available in 60 countries and 28 languages.” 3. LinkedIn: Perhaps one of the most popular job apps used today, LinkedIn is not only a great tool to personalize a profile and search for jobs, but it is also an awesome way to connect with people who have similar interests and experience as you! According to Sherri Thomas of the Huffington Post, “  87% of recruiters are using LinkedIn (the most popular social media networking site for recruiters) to seek out job candidates.” One great element about LinkedIn, as Sherri noted, is the social media networking aspect of the app. LinkedIn is so popular and useful because it is like the Facebook of the job world. Upon opening the app, you have what is similar to a timeline, where you can see posts and shares from people you are connected to, suggested posts based on your interests and liked pages, etc. The app has several components which makes it easy to navigate, like the network page which displays your connections, invitations, and people you may know. Furthermore, the messaging and notifications tab shows you any messages recruiters and connections have sent while also showing who viewed your profile, liked a post, etc. Lastly, the job portion of the app allows you to search for jobs based on title, keyword or company along with location to narrow down your options as much as possible. 4. Good.Co: I just came across this app a few weeks ago and I was honestly skeptical of it just because I had never heard of it before, but after using it I am super pleased with it! Good.Co is an app that is more than just about searching for a job that pays good, it is more personal than that! The app provides you with quizzes to figure out what your best strengths are, how you interact with others, etc. to narrow down what kind of job you could be best skilled in and fit in the best. According to Allison Doyle of The Balance, The app users find companies and careers that will benefit their overall well being, not just their bank account.” While you can’t apply for jobs from the app, it is a great tool to help you learn more about yourself, your personality, your working style and skillset, which can only benefit you and a job search in the long run! 5.  SnagAJob: Though this is not an app I have personally used yet, after researching and reading reviews about it, I’m going to have to give it a try. SnagAJob seems to incorporate elements of popular job apps on the market today like Glassdoor and LinkedIn with a sprinkle of Good.Co. It has up to date job listings and a great search bar that allows you to filter your search according to the type of job, the schedule (part-time, seasonal, summer, full-time) and location. Additionally, SnagAJob gives you the option to upload your resume and apply with one click, awesome if you are looking in a hurry (though I wouldn’t recommend that all the time)! Lastly, Jenna Mantis of TopResume notes, “Snagajob allows you to show off your personality to employers. You can add a personality quiz to your profile or add a video profile to stand out from the other applicants and let hiring managers know a bit more about you.” In an age where graduating college students are overwhelmed with increasing student debt, rising rent and housing prices, and a growing yet largely competitive job market, the search for the perfect, well-paying job can be a tad difficult. Though it can be tough, advances in technology have made searching and applying for jobs easier and more accessible- we have the world at our fingertips in terms of the job market. It may be easy to get overwhelmed by all of the job search apps out there, but just remember to select the one (or two, three, and so on) that make for the easiest job search for you. As always, good luck!

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